Thursday, August 23, 2007

May the things that break God's heart, break our hearts too

"May the things that break your heart (God) break our hearts too" (
That is my prayer for myself and our world. Because if that truly happens, then we will live in every way treating every other person as though they were ourselves. NO more poverty. No more injustice at the hands of humans. The end to poverty and injustice starts with us trying to truly empathise and understand. When everyone has real empathy, the end of poverty and injustice will be fact - because we will no longer be able to tolerate the existence of poverty.

Bono said: "We are the first generation that can look extreme and stupid poverty in the eye, look across the water to Africa and elsewhere and say this and mean it: we have the cash, we have the drugs, we have the science — but do we have the will? Do we have the will to make poverty history? Some say we can´t afford to. I say we can´t afford not to." (visit for the rest of his speech)

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